St Mary's C of E School Truro

St Mary's C of E School

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young. Be an example to all believers, in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity."1 Timothy 4:12

Governor Meeting Information

Finance and Personnel Committee
Mr Treganowan (Chair), Mr Robinson (Vice Chair), Mrs Stevenson and Reverend Boorne
Exclusions Committee
Mrs Trethewey and Mr Robinson

Personnel Appeals

Mrs Trethewey 

Curriculum and Review of School Policy Document Working Group

Mrs Stevenson, Miss Rundle and Mrs Trethewey

Premises Working Group

Mr Robinson, Miss Rundle and Mr Treganowan

SEN and Pupil Premium
Mr Treganowan and Reverend Boorne


Mrs Trethewey

Health and Safety

Mr Robinson

“Whistle blowing”

Mr Robinson

Local Authority
Mrs Badger
Mrs Stevenson and and Mrs Trethewey
Mrs Stevenson, Miss Rundle, Mrs Trethewey, Ms Kendle and Reverend Boorne 
Reverence Boorne, Ms Kendle and Mrs Stevenson
Mr Robinson and Mr Treganowan
General Curriculum
Mr Robinson and Mrs Badger
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Reverend Boorne and Ms Kendle
Mr Treganowan and Mrs Badger
Miss Rundle
Mrs Trethewey and Reverend Boorne