At St Mary’s we are integrating the message of being kind and that it is ok to be different into lots of our lessons.
We started the week off with an assembly which Mrs Spencer led introducing this years theme “One Kind Word.” Afterwards in class, we spent time defining bullying. We talked about how a child who has been bullied may feel and the lasting impact this could have on them. We spoke about what we could do if we were being bullied. We then thought about the theme “One Kind Word” and thought about kind words we could say to others. We talked about kind deeds that we could do to create “ripple effects” of kindness around us.
Afterwards, we were asked to either design a superhero who stops bullying and spreads kindness or create an information poster about how to stop bullying.
At St Mary's we celebrated Sky Badger Day. Sky Badger is a charity that builds bridges between disabled children and the charities and services available to help.
We started the day with an assembly led by Mrs Spencer teaching us about what a disability is and what the term disability awareness means.
The children took part in lots of activities which helped us all to understand the importance and value of including people with different types of disabilities in school and as friends outside of school. The children learnt about how braille works as a form of communication and used it to translate the punchline of jokes; they learned British Sign Language and how to sign their names and they practiced lip-reading skills.
It was a brilliant day and the children thought carefully about how we can make our world inclusive for everyone.